
amitamin® fertil F Phase 1-Superior Formula for Women to Conceive-Original From Germany (30 Days Supply)

22.50 $

  • Contains Essential Antioxidants that Promote Healthy Female Reproductive System
  • Contribute to a Healthy Ovulation & Oocyte (egg) Quality & Maturation
  • Supports Immune System, Hormone Balance, Healthy Nerves & Energy Metabolism

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amitamin® fertil F phase 1. The superior preparation for women who want to conceive. Contains bioactive folate Quatrefolic(Folic acid) for pregnancy. The professional formula with 21 micronutrients (prenatal vitamins).

amitamin® fertil F comes in two variants:

  • amitamin® fertil F phase 1 supports you and your child from conception until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. It provides the required amount of folic acid for pregnancy.
  • amitamin® fertil F phase 2 is optimized for the period from pregnancy to the end of breastfeeding.

Both products, amitamin® fertil F phase 1 and phase 2, have been developed on the basis of recommendations from nutritionists and professional associations to accompany women from the time before conception to the end of lactation.

With just one capsule daily, the nutrients and especially folic acid contained in amitamin® fertil F phase 1 make a particularly important contribution to the health of both expecting mother and child. We recommend switching to amitamin® fertil F phase 2 at the latest by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.

amitamin® fertil F phase 2 is optimized for possibly the two most important times in the life of a woman: pregnancy and lactation. It contains an appropriate composition and dosage of vitamins, trace elements, minerals and in particular the valuable omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. Due to the extensive formula and the increased micronutrient requirement, a daily dose of amitamin® fertil F phase 2 consists of four capsules (two dry capsules,two oil capsules).

amitamin® fertil F phase 1 and amitamin® fertil F phase 2 contain both folic acid and folate in a more bioavailable form as Quatrefolic® (6(S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolicacid glucosamine salt).

Why should I start taking amitamin® fertil F phase 1 before a pregnancy is confirmed?
The vitamins contained in amitamin® fertil F can contribute to a healthy immune system, hormone balance, healthy nerves and energy metabolism (details below) even before pregnancy. In addition, the body’s own vitamin stores are filled up in time for the pregnancy. An adequate supply of folic acid to the mother before pregnancy is particularly important.

A low folic acid level in the expecting mother’s blood is a risk factor for neural tube defects (spina bifida) in the developing fetus. These severe malformations of the spinal cord and brain already develop during the second and third week of pregnancy – often before the expecting mother even knows she is pregnant.

The intake of additional folic acid increases folic acid levels in the blood. This contributes to a reduction in the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus. Women who want to have children should therefore start taking folic acid at least one month before possible conception. They should also not stop doing so before the beginning of the second trimester.

Why do amitamin® fertil F phase 1 and phase 2 contain both folic acid and folate (Quatrefolic®)?
Folic acid is the precursor of folate, which is active in the body. Folate is a B vitamin (B9), which is particularly vital for cell division and for the growth of uterine tissue. An adequate supply of folate is important at least four weeks before conception. Not every woman, however, can sufficiently convert folic acid into folate, which can be effectively used by the body.

Therefore, both amitamin® fertil F phase 1 and amitamin® fertil F phase 2 contain folic acid as well as activated folate (Quatrefolic®). This activated folate is immediately bioavailable to the body. A good supply of folate for all users is therefore assured.

When should I switch from amitamin® fertil F phase 1 to amitamin® fertil F phase 2?

Based on generally accepted recommendations for the supply of micronutrients during pregnancy, you should switch from amitamin® fertil F phase 1 to amitamin® fertil F phase 2 towards the end of the first trimester of pregnancy between week eight and week twelve.

Why does amitamin® fertil F phase 2 also contain omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA)?
The omega-3 fatty acids DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) are particularly important to the human organism. These special fatty acids can be consumed in sufficient quantities by eating fish, especially high-fat sea fish. The body is not able to produce the special fatty acids DHA and EPA itself. However, DHA and EPA make an important contribution to the health of the mother and in particular to the unborn and breastfed child.

The consumption of DHA by the expecting mother supports the development of the fetus and infant’s brain and eyes. In addition to the recommended daily intake of 250 mg omega-3 fatty acids, an expecting mother should take a further 200 mg DHA. amitamin® fertil F phase 2 contains 550 mg omega-3 fatty acids, or 200 mg DHA and 300 mg EPA in each daily dose.

Please note: this product (amitamin® fertil F phase 1) does NOT contain the special omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. To benefit from the positive functions of these essential fatty acids, you should switch to amitamin® fertil F phase 2 during the third month of pregnancy.

Why is the targeted supplementation of vitamins, trace elements and omega-3 fatty acids especially recommended for expecting mothers?
Pregnancy is a special stage in a woman’s life. The time from the fertilised egg’s cell first cell division of right up until the end of breastfeeding is characterised by particularly high nutritional demands. At times, pregnant women have a significantly increased demand for many vitamins and trace elements.

Generally, however, the calorie requirement during pregnancy is only about 15% higher than normal. A healthy diet during pregnancy is therefore mainly characterised by an increased supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Food supplements are able to help in this particular time to eliminate any nutritional deficits and to meet the special dietary needs during this time.

How should I take amitamin® fertil F phase 1?
Please take one capsule a day, before or together with a meal. Please take the capsule with half a glass of water, juice or tea. amitamin® fertil F phase 1 is generally very well tolerated. Please be sure to take the capsule before or during a meal.

How long should you take amitamin® fertil F phase 1?
You should begin taking amitamin® fertil F phase 1 on a regular basis as soon as you stop with contraception. It is recommended that you start at least four weeks before it’s possible to conceive.

The product is suitable for long-term use and can be taken throughout the period of pregnancy and lactation. Taking a dietary supplement with folic acid is generally recommended before pregnancy and until the end of breastfeeding. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that infants should be breastfeed until the end of the 6th month. Anyway, to benefit from the health effects that omega-3 fatty acids have, we recommend switching to amitamin fertil F phase 2 during the third month of pregnancy.

What other functions do micronutrients contained in amitamin® fertil F phase 2 have?

  • Folic acid contributes to the normal growth of maternal uterine tissue during pregnancy. In addition, folic acid has a function in cell division, i.e. the growth processes.
  • Supplementing folic acid increases the folate level in pregnant women. A low folate level in pregnant women is a risk factor for the development of neural tube defects in the growing fetus. In women of childbearing age, the positive effect of folic acid supplementation is achieved by supplementing 400 μg of folic acid daily for a period of at least one month before and up to three months after conception. However, neural tube defects can also have causes other than an inadequate supply of folic acid. Increasing the folate level may therefore not always prevent the development of neural tube defects.
  • Iodine and selenium contribute to normal production of thyroid hormones and support thyroid function. During pregnancy, the need for iodine is increased.
  • The vitamins B6, B12 and niacin and iron contained in amitamin® fertil F help to reduce fatigue.
  • Vitamins C, D, folic acid, B6 and B12 as well as the trace elements zinc, selenium and copper contribute to the normal function of the immune system.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), biotin and niacin contribute to the preservation of normal mucous membranes (e.g. intestinal mucous membrane and mucous membranes in the bladder tract).
  • Vitamins C, E, B2 (riboflavin) and the trace elements zinc, selenium, copper and manganese contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
  • Calcium and vitamin D3 contribute to maintaining healthy bones.

What should be considered before taking amitamin® fertil F phase 1?
amitamin® fertil F phase 1 contains iodine. If you suffer from hyperthyroidism, please discuss your plans with your physician. The daily intake recommendation must not be exceeded. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of small children.

Store dry and protected from light at room temperature (5 to 25 degrees Celsius).

Recommended Dosage

  • Please take one capsule a day, before or together with a meal. Please take the capsule with half a glass of water, juice or tea. amitamin® fertil F phase 1 is generally very well tolerated. Please be sure to take the capsule before or during a meal.
  • You should begin taking amitamin® fertil F phase 1 on a regular basis as soon as you stop with contraception. It is recommended that you start at least four weeks before it’s possible to conceive.
  • The product is suitable for long-term use and can be taken throughout the period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Taking a dietary supplement with folic acid is generally recommended before pregnancy and until the end of breastfeeding. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that infants should be breastfeed until the end of the 6th month. Anyway, to benefit from the health effects that omega-3 fatty acids have, we recommend switching to amitamin fertil F phase 2 during the third month of pregnancy.
  • Keep the package dry and do not store above room temperature.
  • Do not exceed recommended daily dose.
  • Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy life style.
  • Store out of reach of young children.
  • If you have hyperthyroidism or if you are pregnant, you should speak with your doctor before starting to take amitamin® fertile F.
  • Not for use in children or adolescents under 18 years of age.
Quality is our first obligation!
Made in Germany

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Weight 30.0 kg

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