When is the best time to take vitamins and supplements?

best time to take vitamins

When is the best time to take vitamins and supplements?

Many people choose to take vitamins and other dietary supplements. However, a vitamin’s effectiveness can be altered by when and how a person consumes vitamins.

Time of day, food, and liquid intake can have negative or positive effects on how well a vitamin works and how much of the vitamin is absorbed by the body.

This article explores the general effectiveness of vitamins and the ideal circumstances in which to take different types.

The best times for different types of vitamin

When to take B vitamins

B vitamins are used for energy boosts and stress reduction. There are eight different types of B vitamins, each having a separate function for the body. The types of B vitamins include:

These B vitamins can be taken at the same time. In fact, companies offer vitamin complexes, which are combinations of the daily amount of each of the 8 B vitamin types.

The best time of day to take a B vitamin is after waking up. Taking B vitamins on an empty stomach is supposed to help with absorption of the vitamin.

Taking B vitamins also tend to increase energy, so taking them too late in the day may affect a person’s ability to fall asleep

Water-soluble vitamins


Water soluble vitamins are not produced or stored by the body, so these must be obtained through diet or supplements.

These vitamins are not naturally produced or stored by the human body. As a result, people need to get water-soluble vitamins from animal, plant, and possibly supplemental sources frequently.

Types of water-soluble vitamins include:

Vitamin C is considered safe to take in the recommended amounts.

It is found in a variety of plant products, such as orange juice, grapefruit, and lemons. The body does not store vitamin C, so people should take it daily, ideally in small doses throughout the day.

Fat-soluble vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins are needed in small doses. Taking large doses of fat-soluble vitamins can be harmful or toxic to a person’s body.

Fat-soluble vitamins are not lost during cooking food. Usually, a person will get all the fat-soluble vitamins they need through food and do not need to take them as supplements.

Some examples of fat-soluble vitamins include:

These vitamins are stored in the body’s liver and fatty tissues. Therefore, they are not needed as often. Because large amounts of these vitamins can lead to ill effects, researchers tend to agree that people should not take supplements containing these vitamins.

The average, healthy person with a balanced diet will get enough fat-soluble vitamins through their regular diet.

Prenatal vitamins

It is recommended that women who are considering becoming pregnant take a folic acid supplement for a full year before conception.

It is also recommended that women take prenatal vitamins on a daily basis during their pregnancy. Sometimes doctors will also recommend that women take their prenatal vitamins at a particular time of day.

Setting a timetable of this sort depends on whether or not the woman is experiencing morning sickness, a common pregnancy symptom that makes many women experience nausea and vomiting throughout the day. If the prenatal vitamin increases a woman’s feelings of nausea, she can consider taking the vitamin at bedtime with a small amount of food.

There are a variety of prenatal vitamins available, and a pregnant woman should exercise caution when choosing which one to take. Although similar, each one may contain differing amounts of nutrients and ingredients. Typical ingredients include:

Before starting to take prenatal vitamins, a woman should talk to her doctor for suggestions and recommendations. It is possible to overdose on vitamins, which can have ill effects for the woman or baby. Do not take double doses of prenatal vitamins.

Other supplements


As well as vitamin supplements, mineral supplements are also available.

The human body needs both vitamins and minerals to function properly. Like vitamins, minerals are available in over the counter supplements. And, similar to vitamins, there are many claims about what mineral supplements can do for a person’s health.

Some example minerals include:

Again, people should exercise caution before taking a mineral supplement. Though they may be beneficial, most research appears to indicate that mineral supplements have no positive effect on a person’s health.

It is possible to take too much of a mineral, which can have an adverse effect on a person’s health.

People should take minerals daily with food. Taking mineral supplements without food may result in unwanted side effects, such as an upset stomach.

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